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Tue Aug 20th, 2024 @ 11:43pm

Lieutenant Commander Jessun Tauhn

Name Jessun Tauhn Ph.D

Position Chief Science Officer

Second Position Second Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Biographical Information

Gender Female
Species Trill
Date of Birth Stardate 37657.01 - Aug. 28, 2361
Place of Birth Trill Homeworld

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 9”
Weight 132lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Jessun styles her blonde hair short, the distinctive Trill spots on show as they trail down her neck. Her pleasant expression is often welcoming, and friendly.

Character Background

Overview & History From an early age, Jessun knew that the idea of being Joined did not appeal to her. It sounded like a daunting task that would take up all of her effort and energy.

That left a young teenager with a question: what to do with her life. The Trill Science Academy was the obvious first choice, but Jessun found the curriculum rather limited - focusing more on the pure sciences, and less on the physical world around them.

Ultimately, she opted to go into Starfleet Academy. While she wasn't entirely sold on the idea of Starfleet as a whole, the Federation had some of the best options for its science programs.

In 2379, at the age of 18, Cadet Jessun Tauhn had taken the first steps in the adventure of life.

At the Academy, Jessun found her skills leaned towards a major in Xenobotany. At the suggestion of one of her professors, Jessun chose a minor of Cryptozoology.

The next four years felt like a weird mix of flashing by, and dragging as Jessun tackle the study material. Her chosen classes were a blast for her, while the mandatory ones made her question her decision. Ultimately though, she persevered and graduated from the Academy in 2383, with a Bachelor’s Degree majoring in Xenobotany.

Ensign Jessun Tauhn, BSc was given her first assignment as a Science Officer aboard the Nova-class USS Archimedes. It was a fun year of learning things outside of a classroom, but Jessun found herself becoming lost. She wasn’t sure if Starship life was for her.

A year later, she transferred to Starbase 27, where she took a role as a Research Assistant. It was also during this time that she was able to part-time take a Masters Degree, splitting her hours between the coursework, and the lab. The project itself was crossbreeding weather-resistant plants to help boost natural food production.

It was a fun time for the young woman, and it was during her time on SB27 that she started to feel pride in her Starfleet career, not just her academic and scientific work. In 2385, she was promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade. This didn’t have an impact on her work, or studies, but it did give her a sense of accomplishment - she had achieved something outside of a classroom.

With her Master’s Degree now secured, and the research project having reached its conclusion, Starfleet felt like it was time for Jessun to move on. The Monarch-class USS Ramses had need of her skills, conducting an in-depth survey of a newly discovered Arboreal world, with no sentient life. The Exobiologists and Xenobotanists called it a field-day of discoveries.

By the time she was half-way through her tour of duty aboard the USS Ramses, Jessun had demonstrated her abilities in leading some of the survey teams, and helping coordinate the return of samples to the ship. Captain J’Lass was impressed with her work, and when her promotion came through to full Lieutenant, she was also appointed as the Assistant Chief of the sciences department aboard the ship.

While her time aboard the Ramses would be a time she remembered fondly, she was beginning to miss pure lab work, and began to feel the itch of academia once again. Upon the completion of the two-year survey mission, Jessun put in for a transfer to Starbase 417, where she could work part-time as a Researcher, and finally take her Ph.D.

It was a grueling time, of long hours, hard work, and a lot of stress. Almost two years in, she needed a break. She had been burning the candle at both ends, and was becoming burnt out. A break from almost everything was what she desperately needed, and wanted. Fortunately, an opportunity presented itself, as Bajor was undertaking some development projects, bringing a number of their temples back to what they had been, prior to the Cardassian occupation.

Jessun leaped at the chance to help out with the work, and took a three month sabbatical from Starfleet, and her work. It was precisely what she needed - a change of scenery, a change of pace, a change of thinking. Helping the Bajorans bring some more life into their world, through her knowledge of plants was soul restoring for her.

During her time on Bajor, Jessun discovered a form of moss, whose structural rigidity could support the weight of an adult, without needing any artificially-built support. With the discovery of this moss, a Topiary display was quickly developed. The three months seemed to fly past, and Jessun found a part of herself not wanting to return. Yet, ultimately, the excitement of her work, had been restored, and she went back to SB417, to the lab, and the classroom.

She returned, fresh, reinvigorated, and ready to take on her work. It was a change that everyone saw in her - her colleagues, her superiors, and even her thesis advisor. This new-found energy helped her take a step up, as in 2392 - still working on her Ph,D - Jessun Tauhn was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, and given the posting of Project Supervisor within Starbase 417.

With the career boost, Jessun strived even more for her academic goals, and was able to finally complete the Ph.D, an accomplishment she relished.

Academic, and career success would seem to be a danger, though. In the year 2396 Starfleet would seek to pull Jessun from her life on SB417, and place her as the Chief Science Officer aboard the Galaxy-class USS Carina. At first, the 35 year old through to fight it, but something in her saw the adventure in a deep-space exploration mission. She would be the head of the sciences department, the one seeing all of the discoveries. That was ultimately what made her decide to take the posting, and head for Starbase 332, to board her new home.
Service Record 2379 - Enrolled in Starfleet Academy
2379 - 2380 - Freshman Year
2380 - 2381 - Sophomore Year
2381 - 2382 - Junior Year
2382 - 2383 - Senior Year
2383 - Graduated from the Academy

2383 - USS Archimedes, Science Officer
2384 - SB27, Project Research Assistant

2385 - Promoted to Lieutenant JG
2387 - USS Ramses, Science Officer

2388 - Promoted to Lieutenant
2388 - USS Ramses, Asst Chief Science Officer
2389 - SB417, Project Research Officer
2391 - 3 month Sabbatical to work on Bajor

2393 - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
2393 - SB417, Science Project Supervisor
2396 - USS Carina, Chief Science Officer