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Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 7:34pm

Lieutenant JG Keno Rok

Name Keno Rok

Position Alien Anthropologist

Rank Lieutenant JG

Biographical Information

Gender Male
Species Catullan
Affiliation Federation Starfleet
Date of Birth Twelfth Day of Tevith
Place of Birth Decron City, Catulla

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1.5"
Weight 180LBS
Hair Color Pink
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Keno is a statuesque Catullan male. His chiseled features, and pink hair stand out in a crowd.

Character Background

Overview & History Keno was born on the Twelfth day of Tevith in Decron City on Catulla , to parents Ajarah and Renji. His upbringing was mostly traditional. He was an only child and spent many days watching his parents work in their dress shop both designing clothes and mending garments. During this time he was taught the importance of helping people, his parents would often make clothing to donate to those less fortunate.

When he was still quite young, his parents had their marriage dissolved. This time became tumultuous for the young boy, feeling as if he had to choose which parent he preferred. With the bad blood pooling between his parent's, Keno watched as the dress shop where he found comfort was fought over and eventually sold. Keno stayed with his mother, the two moved to an apartment in the city center. Keno, filled with sadness following his parent’s separation, threw himself into school and excelled. His grades were good and he exceeded his community support requirement that is the staple of Catullan schooling.

When Keno was old enough, he applied to the Decron Centre for Higher Learning to study Applied Sciences. After his acceptance he studied for several years and became involved with Starfleet through a mentor in his program, who was a retired officer. He spent much of his time consumed with studies, so much so that when he completed his degree in xenoanthropology he made the decision to apply to Starfleet Academy to continue studying. After a rigorous application and pre-examination process Keno was accepted.His focus was on the science track, hoping to build on the knowledge he already had on the subject.