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Mon Jul 22nd, 2024 @ 2:53am

Commander Simon Calloway

Name Simon Arthur Calloway

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Biographical Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Affiliation Starfleet
Date of Birth April 21, 2362
Place of Birth USS Wessex

Physical Appearance

Height 6’1”
Weight 198LBS
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Simon is a tall, handsome human man. He carries himself with confidence and a level of professionalism instilled in him since childhood.

Character Background

Overview & History Born to parents Commodore George Calloway and Captain Penelope Rhodes, Simon Calloway was brought up around Starfleet and had the expectation that he would follow his family into the service. During his early years he typically stayed with his mother aboard her postings and was tutored from a young age in order to be the ideal candidate for Starfleet Academy. He did, however, live with his father on Earth during the Dominion War.

Simon was considered something of a Starfleet prodigy during his first year at the Academy, though his classmates saw him as just another Starfleet brat. Despite this he kept up with his studies and completed his time with above average grades earning him a Xenoanthropology posting aboard the Steamrunner-class USS Dundurn.

The Dundurn was in the Sol System for resupply in 2385 when the synth attacked the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. The significant loss of personnel in that attack, though tragic, created a vacuum in the fleet which fast tracked a number of officer’s careers, Simon’s included. He was promptly promoted and reassigned to the Dilligent-class USS Carpathia as Chief Science Officer. This promotion delighted Simon’s parents. This year also marked the beginning of the Carpathia’s new five year mission.

In 2388, while the ship was assigned to monitor and study the aftermath of the Romulan supernova in surrounding systems, Simon was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. He began to take a serious look at his development path and, after discussions with the Counselor and the XO, began Command training.

2390 brought the Carpathia back to the Sol System as their five year mission ended. It meant much of the crew was reassigned, Simon included. He took the reins as Chief Science Officer and Second Officer aboard the Curiosity-class USS Coleman assigned to patrol the former Romulan Neutral Zone.

Soon after joining the crew he earned a promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Simon was grateful to be recognized, and still eager to continue to learn under his Captain and XO. He was able to show off his learned skills when the Coleman encountered a rogue Romulan ship. The XO was injured in the initial attack, and Simon had to step into the role during the encounter. Unfortunately the XO did succumb to her injuries, en route to sickbay.

Shortly after the attack, Simon’s new role was confirmed and he officially took over as First Officer of the USS Coleman. He served in the role for 4 years. As the Coleman was recalled for refit, Simon found himself a promotion to the rank of Commander and a new assignment aboard the Galaxy-class USS Carina.
Service Record 2362-Born
2380-Enrolled at SFA
2384-Graduated (Ensign), Assigned-USS Dundurn
2385-Promoted (Lieutenant JG), Reassigned-USS Carpathia
2388-Promoted (Lieutenant), Begins Command Training
2390-Reassigned-USS Coleman
2391- Promoted(Lieutenant Commander)-USS Coleman
2392- Position Change-USS Coleman
2396- Promoted (Commander), Reassigned-USS Carina