
  • 1 Mission Posts

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Thu Aug 22nd, 2024 @ 1:38am

Commander Qui Ra-Graveii

Name Qui Ra-Graveii

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Commander

Biographical Information

Gender Male
Species Efrosian
Affiliation Federation
Date of Birth 2342
Place of Birth Efros Delta

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 5"
Weight 150 lbs
Hair Color White
Eye Color Cloudy Green
Physical Description A slender individual, he has very slight cranial ridges and a subtle copper skin complexion. His face bears some extra fatty deposits like all Efrosians. His white hair is always tied back in a single pony tail, which reaches past his shoulders. His cloudy eyes look like a depthless pool. He wears his uniform proudly, keeping it as pristine as possible. The only deviation is for his glasses, which hang closely to his neck.

Character Background

Overview & History Born on Efros, Qui quickly found his passion in medical work. From a young age he became fascinated in the body. As soon as he was of age, he tested and was accepted into the Efros Medical Program. His thirst to learn earned him a good reputation as a provider and worker. Not being content on Efros Delta, he joined the security force to get experience and an opportunity to travel.

After working with Starfleet on several missions, his desire to learn and expand more pushed him to join Starfleet. He quickly proved himself capable in Starfleet, his mentality and work ethic matching the needs of each department he worked with. It did not take long to move his way up through the ranks and departmental positions. While not making many friends in his many years of Starfleet, he earned the respect, and has acquired the respect of many fellow officers.

Outside of work, Qui focuses on his spiritual faith and music when not studying medicine. The two are intertwined, his practice of religion and his practice of music. While not anti-social, he does not seek out social activities outside of work related events. He finds religious and cultural music fascinating, and will make exceptions for his desires to go to performances of other music. He was learned to stomach other cultural music in the interest of design and not necessarily because he enjoys it.