Ensign Nimah Prenn
Name Nimah Prenn
Position Counselor
Rank Ensign
Biographical Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Cardassian | |
Affiliation | Starfleet | |
Date of Birth | 25th April | |
Place of Birth | Cardassia City General Hospital, Cardassia City, Cardassia Prime |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'6" | |
Weight | 148.5 pounds | |
Hair Color | Brown | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Physical Description | Nimah is an attractive young Cardassian woman, slender but with enough shape to catch the eye. She can usually be found wearing comfortable but modest clothing off duty, often dark blue or mauve in color. She does own a few dresses from Betazed that she occasionally wears, though, on special occasions. |
Character Background
Overview & History | Nimah was lucky enough to grow up in a kinder Cardassia still licking its wounds. She led a simple life, living in the Cardassian countryside with her mother and father who, eventually, seeking better job prospects, moved to Betazed when she was seven years old. There they opened a small bakery selling traditional Cardassian pastries and snacks to the local population in Rixx. The locals took some time to warm up to Cardassians living in their midst, but they did eventually warm up and the business took off reasonably well. Nimah initially had great trouble fitting in in school. Understandably, her classmates were very, very nervous around her; it'd only been a few years since the Cardassians had last conquered their homeworld, after all, and the wounds were raw. Though she studied hard like everyone else, it was difficult to properly enjoy her time there when her peers evaded her like the plague. What prevented her from dropping out was the local human school counsellor, who taught her various ways to help cope with her difficulties and try to change the perceptions of those around her. It was he who inspired her interest in psychology and counselling, and part of the reason why she eventually chose to take up a diploma in psychology studies from a local college. However, Starfleet would never have crossed her mind had they not set up a small booth in her college one day for recruitment purposes. Nimah kept one of the brochures they offered following a quick chat with one of the recruiters, but that was all. Following a gap year spent working as an intern in a local healthcare facility Nimah decided to move off Betazed to pursue further studies - this time on Vulcan, where a new healthcare sciences college had just been established. As such she bravely moved off-world on her own aged twenty, having secured a placing for herself prior with a premedical course in biology, with the blessing (and tearful farewells) of her parents. It was around this time that she became a naturalised Federation citizen. Upon returning to Betazed for her summer break, Nimah was in the process of cleaning her room when she chanced upon the Starfleet flyer, which she’d put in a drawer and forgotten about. After reading over it properly and doing some of her own research she came to the realization that Starfleet service might just offer her even more than what she was getting. The next major decision she would make would take nearly three weeks of consulting with personnel from her college and the local Starfleet recruitment office over subspace for her to finally decide what to do next - but deciding to drop out of her current course on Vulcan to carry on with Starfleet Academy and train as a counsellor was easily one of the best things she could have done for herself, at least in her opinion, as painful as it was. She rather liked the idea of being able to improve someone’s life by empowering them - something she felt a counsellor’s job entailed. She recalled fondly how, even despite her less than optimal experience in her course, her counsellor had helped her to adapt to life on Betazed and she felt that the work was meaningful, albeit not immediately obviously so. That combined with the promise of being able to travel the universe as an explorer appealed to her curiosity quite a fair bit, and she decided that the opportunity was as good as any. After passing the entrance exam on her second try She began attending Starfleet Academy at its satellite campus on Betazed armed with her new purpose and new goal in life. Not once did Nimah ever receive comments about her appearance or abilities while on campus at Starfleet Academy. She did very much enjoy her studies and training as a counsellor, though, especially the practical sessions with her fellow coursemates. She would go on to join the Academy’s swimming club and made it onto the official team, winning a modest one silver and one bronze medal in before resigning to focus on her studies. Following graduation she was assigned to the Carina for her very first tour of duty. |
Service Record | 2392-2396 - Cadet, Starfleet Academy 2396-present - Counsellor, USS Carina |