Welcome to the USS Carina!

Welcome to the USS Carina.
The year is 2396. Despite many profound changes over the past half-century, the Federation continues to stand as a beacon of hope and possibility. Together, its members have faced threats and overcome challenges. They have forged new relationships and blazed trails deep into the unknown. Now, they are entering a new era, one filled with opportunities for scientific exploration and diplomatic cooperation.
The USS Carina, a Galaxy-class vessel under the command of Captain María Zavala, was made for such a time as this. Designed to fulfill a variety of mission roles, she is well-suited to meeting the various demands placed upon her. Her continuing mission: to explore, to forge new relationships, and to support those in need.
Latest Mission Posts
» Some Silent Reflection
Mission: Episode 1.01 - "Ad Astra"
Posted on Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 7:34pm by Lieutenant JG Keno Rok
The doors to Holodeck 3 hissed open, revealing a world shaped by Keno Rok’s personal fascination. The Catullan stepped forward, inhaling the crisp, simulated air of an ancient jungle. Towering trees stretched toward the sky, their thick canopies allowing only shards of golden light to filter through. The ruins of…
» A Drink
Mission: Episode 1.01 - "Ad Astra"
Posted on Mon Feb 17th, 2025 @ 3:18am by Commander Simon Calloway
The USS Carina moved at warp, the gentle hum of the Galaxy-class vessel a familiar comfort. Commander Simon Calloway sat alone in his quarters, a mug of untouched Tarkalean tea cooling beside him on the desk. The room was immaculate—every item in its proper place, every book on the shelf…
» Mementos
Mission: Episode 1.01 - "Ad Astra"
Posted on Sat Aug 31st, 2024 @ 12:17am by Lieutenant Commander Leothon Rook
Leo's new quarters on Deck Eight faced almost directly port, the same direction he remembered from the old ones. Like most of Carina so far, there were subtle differences from Galaxy. The most notable, of course, was that the family quarters there had been on Deck Eleven, where the windows…
» The Two Doctors
Mission: Episode 1.01 - "Ad Astra"
Posted on Thu Aug 22nd, 2024 @ 1:38am by Lieutenant Unri Kavressa MD & Commander Qui Ra-Graveii & Lieutenant Silva
ON: [[Cetacean Ops, USS Carina, MD 03, 1023 hours]]
In all Kavressa's years of service, there had been relatively few occasions when she'd been required to make any sort of 'house call'. Most of the time, her patients came (or were brought) to her. True, there were those instances when…
» A New Adventure
Mission: Episode 1.01 - "Ad Astra"
Posted on Tue Aug 20th, 2024 @ 11:43pm by Captain María Zavala & Lieutenant Commander Jessun Tauhn Ph.D
ON: [[USS Carina, Day 03, 1227 Hours]]
The shuttle came to a final stop as the docking clamps took hold. The faint tremor felt through the deck plates announced they had arrived. “Ladies, Gentlemen, and non-binary passengers, welcome to Starbase 332. Please make sure to take everything you have, and…