
Episode 1.01 - "Ad Astra"

Post Count: 21

As the USS Carina nears completion of her latest refit at Starbase 332, members of the ship's compliment both new and returning are settling in, preparing themselves for the start of a new chapter.

Episode 0.00 - "These Are Our Voyages"

Post Count: 0

Posts in this category are not tied to any one mission. Rather, they are a chance for the crew of the Carina to interact and develop outside the specific plots of the current episode.

(Note: Solo posts are allowed, but joint posts are encouraged. Please be sure to indicate in the appropriate place when a post falls in relation to an episode. The setting cannot be further forward in time than the current episode, and any posts during should be cleared by the CO or XO prior to posting here.)

Episode 1.02 - "The One and Lonely"

Post Count: 0

Several individuals aboard the Carina begin exhibiting strange behaviors. The crew must determine the source of these disruptions before they threaten to consume the ship (and everyone on it).

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