Episode 1.01 - "Ad Astra"

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As the USS Carina nears completion of her latest refit at Starbase 332, members of the ship's compliment both new and returning are settling in, preparing themselves for the start of a new chapter.

Start Date Mon Jul 1st, 2024 @ 1:01am

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Some Silent Reflection
by Lieutenant JG Keno Rok
Holodeck 3, USS Carina
A Drink
by Commander Simon Calloway
Commander Calloway's Quarters, USS Carina
by Lieutenant Commander Leothon Rook
MD 03, 1300 Rook's Quarters, Deck 8, USS Carina
The Two Doctors
by Lieutenant Unri Kavressa MD & Commander Qui Ra-Graveii & Lieutenant Silva
MD 03, 1023 hours Cetacean Ops, USS Carina
A New Adventure
by Captain María Zavala & Lieutenant Commander Jessun Tauhn Ph.D
MD03, 1227 Hours USS Carina
Practical Experience
by Lieutenant Commander T'Laris
Day 01, 1355 hours Main Engineering, Deck 36, USS Carina
Changing of the Guard
by Captain María Zavala & Lieutenant Commander T'Laris
Day 01, 1324 hours Airlock to USS Carina, Starbase 332
Corridor Encounter
by Captain María Zavala
Day 03, 1742 Hours Corridor - Deck Nine, USS Carina
Ops, huh? What is it good for?
by Captain María Zavala & Lieutenant Commander Leothon Rook
MD 03, 1100 hours USS Carina
Reporting In
by Captain María Zavala & Lieutenant M'Raw
Day 01, 1520 hours Ready Room, USS Carina
Admiring the View
by Captain María Zavala & Commander Simon Calloway
Day 03, 2214 Hours Station Promenade, Starbase 332
Counselor's Delight
by Ensign Nimah Prenn & Captain María Zavala
Day 05, 1824 hours Ten Forward Lounge, USS Carina
by Lieutenant M'Raw
Day 01, 1416 hours Starbase 332
Runabout Approach
by Captain María Zavala & Petty Officer 2nd Class Elis Nar
Day 01, 1208 hours Aft Compartment, Runabout USS Pictor

Mission Summary