Changing of the Guard
Posted on Thu Aug 8th, 2024 @ 2:32pm by Captain María Zavala & Lieutenant Commander T'Laris
1,289 words; about a 6 minute read
Episode 1.01 - "Ad Astra"
Location: Airlock to USS Carina, Starbase 332
Timeline: Day 01, 1324 hours
ON: [[Airlock to USS Carina, Starbase 332, Day 01, 1324 hours]]
Zavala stood poised at the entrance to the gangway. In her almost forty years of Starfleet service, it was not the first time that she’d found herself in such a position. Yet, it was still (in many ways) a first. Because from where she was, not only did she have a clear view of the station’s massive internal docking space, she could also see her new command - USS Carina.
…and what a sight it was! The elegance of design, the curvature of the frame, even the coloring of the hull gave Carina a certain beauty and elegance that seemed almost of a different age. In fact, the whole scene was enough to give Zavala pause. After all, up to this point, her relationship with Carina had been largely an abstraction. She had seen the transfer orders, of course. She’d read over the specs, even talked about it with others. But now, she was looking right at it. And there was just something about seeing it for herself, live and in-person, that made it seem that much more…real.
Taking her time, Zavala crossed the distance from the station to the ship. As she approached the airlock, the large round doors parted, one to either side. They revealed a ship’s corridor beyond and three people waiting. She took note of an enlisted crewmember wearing services gold (most likely the security watch) and an ensign in similar uniform before finally bringing her attention to the Vulcan lieutenant commander.
“Captain María Zavala, requesting permission to come aboard.”
It was likely not clear what the Vulcan was thinking at that moment. Deep inside she was feeling a sense of relief of no longer needing to deal with the minutiae of running a ship. She was feeling a sense of anxiety of meeting her new commanding officer for the first time, knowing that she would be forever comparing her to the ship’s previous commanding officer. Also deep down was a sense of pride in the ship. She was ready and excited to be showing off her work. But those feelings were all deep down and very far from the surface. On the surface, T’Laris’s expression didn’t change, remaining as stoic as ever. “Permission granted, Captain.”
“Thank you, Commander,” Zavala said, stepping over the threshold and onto the Carina. It was a small thing, she knew, but the act of waiting to board until being given permission was something Zavala had always taken seriously (especially as captain). Not only was it time-honored tradition, it was also an opportunity for her to show respect for those before her whose responsibility it had been to care for the ship and crew.
“I appreciate you taking the time to meet me like this,” she continued, well-aware that her arrival had pulled them from other duties.
“Of course, Captain,” T’Laris replied with slight nod. “It is my duty as active commanding officer to see to a smooth transfer of command.” The Vulcan paused with a raised eyebrow, as if prompting Zavala.
"Yes, well..." Zavala said, "I suppose now's as good a time as any."
"Computer," T'Laris began. "Transfer command of USS Carina to Captain María Zavala, authorization T'Laris, one-three-whiskey-echo."
"Transfer complete. USS Carina now under command of Captain María Zavala."
Zavala turned so that she was facing T'Laris directly. "I relieve you, Commander."
"I am relieved, Captain," T'Laris replied.
"Walk with me," Zavala said. She started down the corridor ahead of them, T'Laris falling into step alongside. "You and your teams have done a remarkable job. This may not have been a full-on refit, but you and I both know that there was a lot that needed doing. The work you all have done to prepare Carina for our next assignment shows a level of commitment and dedication to craft. And I want you to know I appreciate it."
T'Laris continues to walk alongside her new commanding officer. "Your appreciate is noted, Captain. However, it is not necessary. I have a responsibility to this ship and her crew, and I intend to see that responsibility carried out adequately."
"I'm glad to hear you say that," Zavala replied, "because I am going to need your help to navigate this transition."
"Of course, Captain. I would have expected nothing less. Given your inexperience with the ship and crew, it is only logical to assume that you would seek assistance from those who are more familiar."
Zavala couldn't help but smile. "Well, yes...I suppose it is," she said. They continued walking in silence a moment, though perhaps a bit more slowly than they might have otherwise (on account of the deck being rather limited in size). Even though they'd taken the corridor on the outer loop, there wasn't that much room for them to stroll. In fact, Zavala could already see they were coming up on the reception lounge. She was either going to have to move things along or...
"We've been given an opportunity here, with this assignment," Zavala continued, "one that I'm sure none of us want to see wasted. The best way to guarantee success is to ensure we're all working together, from the same page, as one team. Commander Calloway and I...we bring a fresh perspective and experience in areas that are likely to help us with the particular focus of our mission. You and Commander know this ship, its crew, and (to a certain extent) its history. I'm going to be relying on you...the both of fill us in when we need to be, and to bridge the gap."
What the captain was saying was true. The Carina was, to borrow a human phrase, no spring chicken. She did not need to be coddled, but even with the refit, could not be pushed to the same limits as a brand new ship. After so many tours of duty, her systems had 'worn in,' and created something that was unique from any other ship of her class. New crew members may not have been prepared for all of her idiosyncrasies, but they were something that T'Laris, as the chief engineer, was intimately aware. Maybe even too much, as T'Laris's partner was often quick to point out.
"Captain, you need not worry about my commitment to this ship or its crew. You can rest assured that I will let you know if there is something the ship or the crew cannot handle. I stand ready and willing to support you in any way that I am able, and to the best of my abilities."
...and with that, they had reached the starboard side of the reception lounge. Zavala allowed herself a moment to glance around, taking in the tables, the decoration, and the several folks who were milling about the space. Then, she turned so that she was facing T'Laris again. "Thank you, commander," she said, "for agreeing to this and for giving me some of your time this afternoon. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again soon, but for now...I will let you get back to your duties."
T'Laris nodded. There was still much to do if the ship was to launch on schedule. She had no doubt that the Captain wanted time to acquaint herself with the ship, but there were more important things that T'Laris needed to attend to besides giving tours to the new captain. "Thank you, Captain. If you require my assistance, I will be in main engineering."