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Admiring the View

Posted on Mon Jul 22nd, 2024 @ 2:53am by Captain María Zavala & Commander Simon Calloway
Edited on on Wed Jul 24th, 2024 @ 1:46am

1,802 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 1.01 - "Ad Astra"
Location: Station Promenade, Starbase 332
Timeline: Day 03, 2214 Hours

ON: [[Station Promenade, Starbase 332, Day 03, 2214 Hours]]

Zavala had never given much thought to “putting down roots”. Most of her life had been dedicated to service in Starfleet. Granted, she had been more fortunate than some (in that most of her assignments had been largely stable). But, in the end, she (like everyone else) went where they sent her. “Home” was wherever she happened to be at the moment.

Perhaps that is why it surprised her somewhat, when she stumbled onto this place shortly after arriving aboard the station. From the moment she’d laid eyes on it, she had felt drawn to it…

Now, part of that might have had to do with there being fewer establishments along this particular section of the promenade (at least of the “night life” variety). Not only was there less foot traffic, but there were also fewer distractions. It helped, too, that the housing behind her was dedicated more to permanent residents going about their routines than transients enjoying their shoreleave. Even the greenery added to the ambiance, giving the space a sense of peace and tranquility.

Curiously enough, however, it was the juxtaposition of what Zavala could see across the way that truly seemed to make this place special. Instead of more buildings, storefronts, or green space, a series of large viewports running the entire length of the promenade offered clear line-of-sight into the station’s cavernous docking bay. From where she was sitting, Zavala could just make out a pair of Saber class escorts way down on the far left side, and the nacelles of an Inquiry sticking out off to the right. Directly in front of her, in full view, was one of the recently introduced Excelsior IIs. And behind that, the recognizable shape of her own command - the Carina.

In some ways, it was strange for her, seeing the ship like this. As a science officer (and even an XO), Zavala had had a few opportunities to go on away missions where she’d actually had a view of the outside of the ship, either via shuttlecraft or some other fashion. She’d never gotten tired of looking at it. But as captain, those opportunities had all but disappeared. It was a rare occasion now for her to be able to admire her own command from the outside (especially when it was one so new to her). She knew well-enough to appreciate it while she could.

Simon had always taken care to learn about his Commanding Officers. A tip given to him by both of his parents as a way to stand out as an officer. He had spent his last week on the Coleman pouring over the records of Captain Maria Zavala. Her path in Starfleet was not unlike his own, starting in the Sciences Division as a Xenoanthropologist before making the change to Command.

Given her background and the fact that she was being newly transferred to Carina herself, Simon anticipated that he would likely find her on the Station, and judging by the tone of her logs she seemed like she wouldn’t be in any of the usual touristy spots. So on a hunch, Commander Calloway had set himself up in the park area of Starbase 332’s promenade, and hoped that he would catch sight of his new CO and make his introductions.

To no surprise, he soon recognized her dark hair and soft features sitting near the large viewing ports that overlooked the docking bay. He stood from his spot on a bench near the middle of the area and approached the Captain’s position. He cleared his throat as he approached. “Captain Zavala?” He asked, politely as he came within a reasonable distance of the Hispanic woman.

The sound of her own name being spoken aloud caught Zavala somewhat by surprise. Although she had been coming to this particular spot fairly regularly, it was still a large station with a whole lot of people living on it. The odds of someone who knew who she was just happening to come across her were slim (especially at this late hour). For a brief moment, she wondered if it meant something had happened and she was being summoned somewhere. But, when she saw who it was, her concern quickly disappeared.

“Commander Calloway…”

A relieved smile started spreading across Zavala’s face. True, she had not met the man before, but she had done her homework when reviewing him as a candidate for the first officer position, and she recognized his face from photos she’d seen. “You’re early,” she continued, “I suppose they weren’t kidding when they said you were a ‘go-getter’...”

Simon smiled warmly at the older woman. “I guess my reputation precedes me” His smile widened and he extended a hand to her in greeting. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you, Captain. I’ve heard nothing but glowing reviews from Captain ch’Bari, he mentioned you were in the same class at the Academy.”

Zavala let out a chuckle. “Oh, I remember ch’Bari,” she said, “Different areas of study, of course, but every once in a while we’d end up together on a general assignment. He was always the last one to speak…because once he did, no one else had to. I mean, he summed things up perfectly. That man had mastered the art of making his words count. I hope you paid attention to some of the other things from him, too, commander.”

He was happy to hear that she remembered Captain ch’Bari and hoped that that would bode well for his relationship with his new CO. Simon nodded his head in the affirmative and said, “I like to think I do a good job of listening to and observing my commanding officer. It’s what earned me this opportunity, which I am very eager for.” He spoke with a level of conviction that made him sound very sure of himself.

“I can see that,” she said, “but I’m curious to know…why?”

The question took Simon aback. Was she questioning his service earning him the assignment? Was it that she simply wanted to know him a little better? He kept his eyes trained on the Captain. “I was always taught to accept new opportunities openly. The chance to serve under a Captain as experienced as yourself, and learn from you, is a fantastic opportunity that’s too great to pass up.” He spoke with a sincerity and respect that was instilled in him from a young age.

“Sit down, Number One,” Zavala said, motioning for him to join her on the bench. As he did, she turned so that she was facing him. “I appreciate your willingness to be open-minded. It’s why I chose you for this assignment. Your past experiences have prepared you well for this moment, and yet you also recognize there are things out there we have never even conceived of (much less come to understand). So long as you can maintain that attitude, you will be successful, and you will have my respect. If you can inspire others to do the same, so much the better.”

Calloway nodded as Maria spoke. “Thank you for that, ma’am. I appreciate your confidence and I’m certain we will work well together.” He turned slightly to face the enormous viewport, and caught sight of a Galaxy-class ship past a couple others. It was unmistakable. “Have you been to Carina yet?”

“Oh, yes,” Zavala said, following Calloway’s gaze out into the station’s docking bay, “Commander T’Laris and her teams were gracious enough to let me move in several days ago.”

Simon searched his mind to place the familiar sounding name. “The Chief Engineer, right?” He asked, knowing the answer. “I’ve been meaning to touch base with her as well, to get an update on the status of repairs.” He couldn’t help but allow his eyes to keep drifting back to the sight of Carina.

Seeing how the younger man's attention kept wandering back to the ship, Zavala smiled. The look in his eyes, more than anything he'd said to her so far, confirmed for her that she'd made the right choice for first officer. "You know," she said, "I remember when the first Galaxys were commissioned. They were the most beautiful, the most magnificent things any of us had ever seen. And such promise! A new age of exploration and diplomacy, seeking out new worlds and making contact with new civilizations..." Her voice trailed off as the memories washed over her, and she paused, letting her words hang in the air. "It was a different time," she continued after a moment, "A lot has happened since then, a lot that many wish could be undone. You and I both know that can't happen. But tomorrow is a new day, and we have a chance to turn over a new leaf."

Simon nodded vigorously. He knew all too well what the Captain was referring to, and she was right. Starfleet, and the Federation, had endured a number of setbacks in recent years. "I ,for one, am ready to get out there and get us on track to return to Starfleet's roots ma'am." He straightened his back and allowed his eyes to lock on hers. She was a scientist as well, and Simon was sure she shared his enthusiasm for their coming excursions.

The silent understanding passed between them, reminding Zavala once again why she had chosen this young man for her Number One. Slowly, she turned her attention back toward the windows, her gaze quickly re-locating the familiar shape of her command. But she said nothing. Instead, she looked (and she thought). And then...the moment passed.

"Well," she said, putting her hands on her thighs, "It's getting late, and we both have work to do tomorrow."

Commander Calloway smiled warmly. He was, truly, looking forward to serving with her. He caught the Captain's quick gaze at Carina and mirrored her action himself. His eyes still fixed on the vessel as she spoke. "Of course ma'am, " His eyes returned respectfully to the Captain, "what time should I report to you?"His posture had become solid and concise, as he had been trained in Academy.

"Why don't we say oh-eight-hundred?"

Simon nodded and made a mental note to set his alarms when he returned to his cabin. "Thank you, Captain. " He offered a slight bow at the neck out of respect and reverence for the Captain , before turning on his heel to return to the stark, natureless corridors of the starbase.



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