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Posted on Sat Jul 13th, 2024 @ 3:16am by Lieutenant M'Raw

329 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 1.01 - "Ad Astra"
Location: Starbase 332
Timeline: Day 01, 1416 hours

It was a standard day on Starbase 332. Various people moved here and there as they went about their various tasks.

One Starfleet officer in particular approached the docking port leading to a Galaxy-Class ship, the USS Carina. The Starfleet security guard assigned there perked up, sensing that he'd get a little relief from the boredom of his current assignment.

The approaching officer stepped up to the guard, who had the rank insignia of an ensign and looked like he was only a few months at most out of the Academy, and said, "Lieutenant M'Raw, requesting permission to come aboard."

The guard picked up a padd and made a note. "I've been notified to expect your arrival, Sir. Permission granted; welcome on board."

"Thank you, Ensign," M'Raw said. "Are any of the other senior officers on board yet?"

"Yes, Sir," the ensign said. "I haven't had a chance to check in with the shuttlebay for a while, though I'm to understand that the captain arrived a couple of hours ago, and that several of the other senior officers may have come in via shuttle as well."

"Well then, I'd better get moving," M'Raw said. "Don't want to give everyone a bad impression on my very first day on the job by being late, now, do I?"

"Indeed not, Sir."

Nodding, M'Raw headed onto the Carina. Entering the nearest turbolift (and being grateful that he could easily learn to find his way around, even if he only had schematics to go off of, since it would look rather bad for the security chief to get lost easily) he headed first to his quarters to make sure his few personal possessions were dropped off. He entered his quarters and looked around. He put his stuff onto his bed, and made a note to see about replicating a few things later on, including a few decorations, as the quarters were a little bland. First, though, he should probably check in with the captain.


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